

Sexual Misconduct & Title IX

Texas Woman’s University (TWU or University) is committed to a safe academic and working environment free from sexual misconduct including but not limited to sexual assault, sexual harassment, dating violence, domestic violence and stalking. TWU will not tolerate any act of sexual misconduct. Please see our information below on reporting misconduct.  We are here to help.

For a complete copy of the University’s policies governing sexual misconduct visit:






If you think you have experienced any form of sex discrimination or misconduct, including sexual assault, sexual harassment, dating violence, domestic violence or stalking, please report it so that the university can help.  You can file a report with TWU Police in person at the Oakland Complex in Suite 102, by phone at 940-898-2911, or use the online reporting forms. You may also contact TWU’s Title IX Coordinator by visiting Old Main 108, emailing TitleIX@twu.edu or calling 940-898-2968. There are resources and services available to assist you both on and off campus.

For more information on how the university addresses sexual misconduct please review the university’s Annual Security Report and the Campus Security Authorities information.

Texas Woman’s University Amnesty Statement

As stated in the , amnesty includes:

For Reporting Parties: The University provides amnesty to Reporting Parties who may be hesitant to report incidents to University officials because they fear that they themselves may be accused of minor policy violations, such as underage drinking, at the time of the incident. Educational options may be explored, but no conduct proceedings or discipline will result.

For Those Who Offer Assistance: To encourage students to offer help and assistance to others, University pursues a policy of amnesty for minor violations when students offer help to others in need. At the discretion of the Director for the Office of Civility & Community Standards or appointed designee, amnesty may also be extended on a case-by-case basis to the person receiving assistance. Educational options may be explored, but no conduct proceedings or discipline will result.
For Those Who Report and/or Witness Serious Violations: 澳门六合彩论坛 who are engaged in minor violations but who choose to bring related serious violations by others to the attention of the University are offered amnesty for their minor violations. Educational options may be explored, but no conduct proceedings or record will result. Abuse of amnesty can result in a decision by the Director for the Office of Civility & Community Standards not to extend amnesty to the same person repeatedly.

Title IX at Texas Woman’s:


The university has procedures in place that aim to be aware of the needs of those who make an institutional report of sexual assault, sexual harassment, dating and domestic violence, and stalking. Procedures include informing individuals about their right to file criminal charges as well as the availability of counseling, health, mental health, victim advocacy, legal assistance, visa and immigration assistance and other services on and/or off campus, as well as additional supportive measures to prevent contact between a complainant and a respondent, such as housing, academic, transportation and working accommodations, if reasonably available.

The university will make such accommodations, if the reporting party requests them and if they are reasonably available, regardless of whether the complainant chooses to report the crime to the TWU Department of Public Safety or local law enforcement.

Any incidents or concerns regarding Sexual Misconduct should be reported immediately, even if the person(s) concerned about or harmed by the misconduct are unsure about pursuing a formal complaint.  Anyone can report prohibited conduct by notifying the following:

Title IX

What is Title IX?

Title IX of the Education Amendments Act of 1972 is a federal law that states:

"No person in the United States shall, on the basis of sex, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any education program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance."

Violations include acts of sexual misconduct, such as:

  • Sexual Assault
  • Sexual Harassment
  • Sexual Exploitation
  • Dating Violence
  • Domestic Violence
  • Stalking

Other violations include sex and gender-based discrimination of a non-sexual nature, such as:

  • Bullying based on gender identity
  • Denying an educational or employment opportunity because one is born male or female
  • Failing to provide reasonable academic accommodations to pregnant and parenting students.

Retaliation is also prohibited. Retaliation includes threatening, intimidating, harassing, coercing, or any other conduct that would discourage a reasonable person from making a good faith report or participating in any proceeding. Retaliation is a stand-alone policy violation without regard to any finding of responsibility for discrimination.

Who is protected by Title IX?

澳门六合彩论坛, staff, and faculty are protected by Title IX when the discrimination occurs on university-owned or controlled property.  In addition to incidents that occur on the University campus, the University may take disciplinary action in response to incidents that take place during official functions of the University or functions sponsored by registered student organizations, or incidents that have a substantial connection to the interests of the University regardless of the location in which the incident(s) occur.

How does TWU address violations of Title IX?

Texas Woman’s University is committed to responding to all allegations of sex and gender-based discrimination.  Although incidents may not always reach the level of a Title IX violation, TWU also abides by State of Texas law.


Pregnancy Related Accommodations for 澳门六合彩论坛

Pregnant & Parenting 澳门六合彩论坛

Title IX is a federal law which requires schools that receive federal funds to provide reasonable accommodations to students who are pregnant or have pregnancy related conditions. This includes pregnancy, pre-natal doctor appointments, childbirth, false pregnancy, miscarriage, termination of pregnancy, or recovery from any of these conditions.

Title IX for Pregnant & Parenting 澳门六合彩论坛

Under Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 you are entitled to reasonable accommodations for as long as your doctor deems medically necessary.

It will be important to review each student’s situation individually, as reasonable accommodations will be highly dependent on the requirements of individual courses.

Examples of possible reasonable accommodations (when deemed medically necessary) are:

  • Excused absences for care/recovery
  • Change in exam dates
  • Make-up work and/or assignment extensions
  • Allowing drops and/or withdrawals
  • Assignment of Incomplete grade

If you would like to review possible accommodations with the Associate Vice President for Student Enrichment, Health, & Support at Texas Woman’s University, please complete the Pregnancy Accommodation Form. You can also download the brochure (pdf).


Senate Bill 212

was signed into state law after the 2019 Texas legislative session and is now in full effect as of January 1, 2020. All new reporting obligations and penalties in the law must be followed.

The law addresses reporting requirements for incidents of sexual harassment, sexual assault, dating violence, or stalking at certain public and private institutions of higher education, including TWU. For a detailed definition of these terms, please review TWU’s  (pdf).

As a reminder:

  • As of January 1, 2020, all employees who witness or receive information about sexual harassment, sexual assault, dating violence and stalking that involve a current student or employee must promptly report the incident to the University’s Title IX Coordinator or a Deputy Title IX Coordinator. Reports can be made by phone: 940-898-2969; email, or online
  • Reports to the Title IX Coordinator must include all relevant information that is known about the incident.
  • Student employees are encouraged, but not required, to report under SB 212. However, if a student employee is designated as a responsible employee, they are still required to report under Title IX and their responsible employee duties.
  • Retaliation against persons who make a good faith report is prohibited.
  • An employee who does not report an incident or who makes a false report can be charged with a criminal offense (Class B or Class A Misdemeanor). If an employee fails to make a required report or makes a false report, the law requires that the employee be terminated.
  • Employees who have been designated by the university as confidential or private employees are only required to report the type of incident. 澳门六合彩论坛 can talk to confidential employees about a Title IX related matter with assurance that confidential employees may not reveal the student’s identity or other identifying information. A list of confidential and private employees is available on the Title IX Website.
  • The Title IX Coordinator must submit a written report of the reports received by the institution, to the President at least quarterly

Employees filing a report SHOULD NOT use the anonymous reporting form.

Sexual Misconduct Training Programs

Hearing Officer, Investigator, Appeal Official, Decision Maker Training

Required Incoming Student Training

Student Organizations

Graduate Assistant Training

Academic Leadership Training

Employee Mandatory Training

Texas Attorney General

  • (Video)

Resident Assistant Training

Student Athlete Training

Hearing Advisor Training

Title IX Coordinator and Deputies

Shannon Taylor, Ed.D.
Assistant Dean of 澳门六合彩论坛
Title IX Coordinator

Deputy Title IX Coordinators

Amy Hall
Title IX Deputy: Executive Director of Human Resources

Tony Yardley
Title IX Deputy: Director Employee Relations, HR Compliance and Equity

Madison Seaver
Title IX Deputy: Associate Athletic Director for Internal Operations

Annual Title IX Report

Under the Texas Education Code (TEC), the institution’s Chief Executive Officer is required to submit a data report at least once during each fall or spring semester to the institution’s governing body and post on the institution’s internet website a report concerning the reports received by employees under the TEC in which the incident described in the employee’s report constituted “sexual harassment,” “sexual assault,” “dating violence,” or “stalking” as defined in the TEC, and any disciplinary actions taken under TEC.

Below are the links to the Chief Executive Officer’s report:

Frequently Asked Questions

Below you will find frequently asked questions regarding our Sexual Misconduct and Title IX policies:

Q: What happens when a report is received of Sexual Misconduct or potential Title IX violation?

A: Upon receipt of a report of alleged sexual misconduct or Title IX, the Title IX Coordinator will review reports to determine whether the allegation constitutes a report of sexual misconduct or potential Title IX violation, and if yes, which policy applies. Depending on the specifics of the allegations, the process followed can either be found in the Prohibition of Sexual Misconduct University Regulation and Procedures and the Title IX Policy.


In Student Title IX cases, the Title IX Coordinator will assign an investigator and an investigation will be conducted.

Regardless of whether a student decides to move forward with the conduct process, they will receive access to supportive measures.

Q: What happens during an investigation?

A: Reports will be investigated initially by TWU Police and then by an assigned Investigator by the Title IX Office. The Complainant, Respondent and any witnesses will meet with the Investigator(s) to answer questions and present evidence. Upon completion of the investigation, the assigned Investigator will send the final investigation report to the Title IX Coordinator.

Q: What is a Hearing Preparation Meeting?

A: Upon receipt of the final investigation report